As you look through your social media, you’ll typically see your “fit” friends posting their self-indulging pictures of their workouts, their progress, and of course, the supposed healthy food they eat. And undoubtedly, you’ll bump into the occasional post of the awesome protein shake they took right before they hit the gym. And by far the most popular protein shake comes in the form of Whey protein. So, what exactly is whey and how can it help you with your fitness gains? Whey is a source of protein naturally found in milk. When mixed with rennant, a complex mix of coagulant enzymes, milk curdles and separates into different constituents. One is the aforementioned whey, currently in its liquid form and the leftover curds are used to make cheese and also whey’s not-as-popular little brother known as casein. The liquid whey is then pasteurized and dried out to create the familiar powdery product we find in store shelves. So, what’s in this whey that makes it so special? The obvi...