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মার্চ, ২০১৮ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

What is Whey Protein?

As you look through your social media, you’ll typically see your “fit” friends posting their self-indulging pictures of their workouts, their progress, and of course, the supposed healthy food they eat. And undoubtedly, you’ll bump into the occasional post of the awesome protein shake they took right before they hit the gym. And by far the most popular protein shake comes in the form of Whey protein. So, what exactly is whey and how can it help you with your fitness gains? Whey is a source of protein naturally found in milk. When mixed with rennant, a complex mix of coagulant enzymes, milk curdles and separates into different constituents. One is the aforementioned whey, currently in its liquid form and the leftover curds are used to make cheese and also whey’s not-as-popular little brother known as casein. The liquid whey is then pasteurized and dried out to create the familiar powdery product we find in store shelves. So, what’s in this whey that makes it so special? The obvi

How To Use Protein Powder: Simple Step-By-Step Guide

Hey, what’s up, guys. I'm going to be my simple step-by-step guide on how to use protein powder properly as part of your muscle building or your fat burning diet. A lot of people hugely over complicate this. They want to know what the best protein powder is? How much to take? When to take it? What to makes it with? When in reality it’s very, very straight forward. The mistake that most beginners make is in thinking of protein powder as being some sort of fancy supplement with special muscle building effects. When in reality it’s literally just powdered protein, 'just like the name says. So whether it is whey or casein or egg or vegan protein, all of these powders are derived from wholefoods and they’re nothing more than just another source of protein to add to your diet. Except that they’re powdered form makes them more convenient to consume. So rather than thinking of protein powder as being supplements it’s actually more accurate to just think of them as regular

How to use Protein Powder to Lose Weight | PrettyFit Protein Powder for Weight Loss

You hear that using Protein Powder to lose weight is going to help you lose weight much faster. I'm here to tell you that's true, but you have to learn how to use it the right way. So, in this video I'm going to show you how to use protein powder to lose weight and the protein powder I recommend above all. Are you ready? Let's go! *PrettyKeli Theme Song* There is nothing magical about using powder to lose weight. The facts are if you're able to get your daily recommended amount of protein by eating wholesome foods and enough protein throughout the day Then you're good! You don't need protein powder right? But how many of us are actually doing that? Very few, I know I'm not. So having a protein powder to help supplement is absolutely awesome and help you see results much faster because you're getting the protein that you need daily. you want to get a protein powder but you want to get the right one. The best protein powder that you can use t